Domestic Assault and Violence Defense Lawyer in Dickson

By your side when you’re fighting domestic violence charges in Dickson

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The consequences for domestic assault and violence charges in Dickson are serious. These allegations can come with life-altering consequences, and if convicted, they can lead to time in prison and hefty fines. Domestic violence-related charges also can lead to a permanent record. Having a criminal record can have far-reaching impacts on your life and your family.

At Waynick Law, we know how complicated domestic assault cases are, especially given the relationships between the accuser and the accused. Our experienced legal warriors take on these cases with a strategic, compassionate, and aggressive approach. It’s our job to defend your rights and fight for your future.

If you’re facing domestic assault charges, you need to secure expert legal counsel immediately to protect yourself and your family.

What do domestic assault and violence charges mean in Dickson?

There are various acts that may fall under domestic assault and violence in Dickson. Part of what makes charges fall into this category is the relationship between the parties. In general, domestic assault and violence involve:

  • Spouses
  • Former spouses
  • People who live together (cohabitants)
  • Those who share a child

Tennessee law takes these cases very seriously because the parties are involved in an intimate relationship, increasing the potential for ongoing harm.

The law can find that you’ve committed domestic assault if you intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly caused bodily injury to a member of your family or household, placed them in fear of imminent injury, or engaged in physical contact that reasonable people would consider extremely offensive or provocative. Conduct that qualifies can include physical violence and threats, as well as other types of abusive behavior.

Domestic assault charges can result in jail time and fines. Courts may also order mandatory counseling and place restraining orders on you that will prevent you from contacting the alleged victim. If you’re convicted, your permanent criminal record may impact your personal life, making it more challenging to find a job and housing.

At Waynick Law, our Dickson criminal defense attorneys are your legal warriors, willing to fiercely protect your rights and interests throughout every step of the process. Our team investigates each case, searching for ways to challenge any inconsistencies or other flaws in the prosecution’s evidence. We can also review every possible defense that may apply in your case. We might have grounds to argue self-defense, false accusations, or lack of intent, among other possible defenses.

Facing domestic assault charges can upend your life. The best step you can take to protect yourself is to reach out to an experienced attorney right away. Our lawyers can battle the prosecution and fight for your rights. We can lean on our negotiation skills to find out if we can secure a favorable plea bargain or take your case to trial. The goal is always to achieve the best outcome for you.

Any criminal charges can deeply impact your life. With domestic violence charges, your reputation and future are at stake. You have to pursue every avenue that can potentially protect you.

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Penalties and sentencing for domestic assault and violence in Dickson

In Dickson, courts have the power to impose harsh penalties on anyone who is convicted of domestic assault and violence. The nature of the allegations will differ between cases, and so the charges will also vary. Additionally, prior convictions and other circumstances, such as the severity of an alleged victim's injuries, can impact the penalties.

Domestic assault penalties

Domestic assault is similar to simple assault. The difference is that it involves people who are related, live together, or in a relationship. Here are some possible outcomes of a conviction:

  • Class A Misdemeanor: Up to 11 months and 29 days of jail time and a fine of up to $2,500.
  • Class B Misdemeanor: Up to 6 months of jail time and fines up to $500.

Aggravated domestic assault penalties

Aggravated domestic assault leads to harsher penalties. If the alleged assault caused serious bodily injury or the accused used a deadly weapon during the assault, the penalties may include:

  • Class C Felony: From 3 to 15 years of prison time and fines up to $10,000.
  • Class D Felony: From 2 to 12 years of prison time and a fine of up to $5,000.

In some cases, the consequences are even more severe because of surrounding factors. For instance, if you are facing domestic violence charges and you have a prior conviction on your record, you may face enhanced penalties. For instance, longer jail time or prison sentences and increased fines are possible in such cases. Another potential aggravating factor is if you are accused of violating a protective order. In such cases, any related domestic violence may lead to additional charges and harsher penalties.

Additional penalties and consequences

Domestic violence allegations can also lead the court to put a new restraining order in place. Courts issue these to offer some protection to alleged victims. Such orders restrict the ability of the accused to contact or approach their accuser. In some cases, this can also prevent a person from seeing their minor children.

Mandatory counseling is another possible outcome. Courts may require that the accused attend anger management programs and other similar programs related to domestic violence intervention. Finally, those who are convicted of domestic violence charges in Tennessee can lose their rights to own or possess firearms. Conviction can lead to a permanent criminal record, which affects many aspects of life, including the ability to find work or housing.

Accusations of domestic violence need to be addressed head-on. There is simply too much at stake. At Waynick Law, we understand what you are facing and are ready to fight back.

What types of domestic assault and violence cases does Waynick Law handle in Dickson?

At Waynick Law, our criminal defense team handles a broad range of domestic assault and violence cases. Our lawyers offer comprehensive legal support and defense strategies. We’re able to do this because we actually listen to our clients and their needs. Some types of assault cases we handle include:

  • Physical assault: Claims of physical injury to a family or household member may include allegations of slapping, hitting, or punching.
  • Emotional abuse: These cases involve intimidation, threats, verbal abuse, or controlling behavior directed at someone with whom the accused shares a domestic relationship.

We understand that "he-said, she-said" disputes are common in domestic violence claims. We never make assumptions and always listen to your full story. Our job is to protect you and your rights no matter what anyone claims. Anyone up against domestic assault or violence accusations or charges in Dickson needs an attorney. At Waynick Law, we’re willing to aggressively advocate for you and your best interests.

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Defending you against domestic assault charges in Dickson

Waynick Law’s Dickson domestic assault defense lawyers rely on various strategies to defend you against domestic assault charges. Here are some of the approaches we might take:

  • Self-defense: The law allows you to protect yourself against violence. If someone accuses you of domestic violence when they were the aggressor or were threatening or harming another person, we may have the opportunity to state that you took reasonable and justifiable actions because you were trying to prevent imminent harm to yourself or another.
  • False accusations: Our attorneys know that not every claim is true. We investigate and will expose inconsistencies or motives that might be behind the allegations. Such arguments can help demonstrate the accusations are false.
  • Lack of intent: We may argue that any physical contact between you and the alleged victim was accidental. Intent is a mandatory element in these crimes, so if relevant, we may argue that you lacked any intent to cause harm or fear.
  • Insufficient evidence: Our attorneys challenge the prosecution's evidence and question its reliability every step of the way. It is our mission to show that they failed to meet their very demanding burden of proof.
  • Mistaken identity: Sometimes, evidence leaves doubts about whether the accused is the perpetrator. If this applies in your case, we may seek and present evidence that casts doubts as to whether you were involved at all.
  • Violation of rights: Waynick Law’s legal warriors are never afraid to fight against government bullies who may try to intimidate you or coerce you into admitting something against your interests. We are fighters dedicated to the protection of your constitutional rights throughout the legal process and ready to challenge any evidence the government obtained illegally.
  • Comprehensive legal representation: Our representation can start when you face arrest and continue beyond trial. We’re here every step of the way, working to protect your rights and a favorable outcome.
  • Negotiation and plea bargaining: Sometimes, your best option is to work with the government to reduce the charges or obtain alternative sentencing. Aggressive negotiations with prosecutors can sometimes minimize the long-term impact of the charges.
  • Character witnesses and testimony: We may choose to present witnesses and testimony from those who can attest to your good character if this proves helpful for our strategy.
  • Expert testimony: If we believe it can help you, we may find expert witnesses who can offer specialized knowledge or analysis. For instance, forensic experts or psychologists might help us build our defense.

If you are being investigated or charged with domestic assault charges in Dickson, secure legal counsel immediately. Your freedom is in jeopardy from the start, and the sooner you reach out, the better your chances are of building a strong defense.

Do you have a Dickson domestic assault and violence attorney near me?

Waynick Law PLLC serves clients from our offices in Dickson at 504 E. College Street, Dickson, TN 37055, or in Nashville at 95 White Bridge Road, 5th Floor – Suite 512B, Nashville, TN 37205. If visiting our offices is not an option, call us. We can often discuss your case over the phone.

Dickson domestic assault and violence defense attorney

Domestic assault charges in Dickson need to be addressed right away, so don’t hesitate to reach out. At Waynick Law, we use our deep understanding of Tennessee’s laws to protect you and your rights. We’re not afraid to fight for you and the best outcome of your case. Contact us now or use our form to set up a confidential consultation.